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With our network acting as the backbone of our service operations, all of the services we provide through that network are more reliable, more redundant, and more protected than any other commercial network in Australia.
Our Business Wireless plans are designed as a premium business service with a contention ratio of one to five, for a business that requires a predictable high speed internet service. Maximum speed is limited at 300mbps and includes a business SLA guarantee. This service outperforms any NBN-style offering.
The Micron21 Dark Fibre offering is designed to interconnect major multi-tenant Melbourne data centres, providing direct private access to the security, speed and flexibility of the network. Additionally, connections between multiple physical data centre locations offer a further layer of geographical redundancy. Our packages offer cost effective, carrier grade dark fibre and ethernet services between data centres.
Point-to-point Fibre Solutions deliver a high-throughput, low-latency bandwidth with 1:1 contention. Services can be configured up to 10,000Mbps with symmetrical speed. This makes Point-to-Point Fibre Solutions perfect for any environment that requires large file transfers, streaming media, or large numbers of simultaneous users. It acts as a seamless extension of your local area network, making the transition to the cloud for on-premise services.