mCloud offers a basic software layer 4 load balancer that runs from within our software-defined networking layer. This guide details the steps required to configure a load balancer in the Cloud Dashboard and offers an explanation of its capabilities and limitations.
Please note that to access this service, you will need to request access from the Micron21 Support Team.
mCloud LBaaS can handle the following types of traffic:
mCloud LBaaS is unable to be configured with the following configurations
Before you begin to configure the load balancer via mCloud you will need to ensure you have configured the following:
The internal network has already been created
Backend VMs created and connected to an internal network
Correct security group assigned to VMs for their service
You have contacted the m21 support team for permission to create Load Balancers
Log into mCloud at
Navigate to Project > Network > Load Balancers

Click "+ Create Load Balancer"
Enter the following details as required:
Internal subnet
IP Address (Optional, mCloud will choose automatically if left blank)
Description (Optional)
Leave Availability Zone and Flavor blank, and click Next

On the Listener Details tab, enter the following as required:
Description (Optional)
Protocol (TCP or UDP only)
Allowed Cidrs (Optional)
Leave other values at default and click Next

On the Pool Details tab, enter the following:
Description (Optional)
Algorithm (SOURCE_IP_PORT only)
TLS Enabled set to NO
Leave other values at default and click Next

On the Pool Member tab, click ‘add’ for each backend server you’d like associated, then enter their service port and weight (if applicable) then click Next

On the Monitor Details tab, enter the following:
Type (TCP or UDP only)
Leave other details at default, and click "Create Load Balancer"

Wait for the creation to complete, you can determine if the creation has been completed when the following are shown:
The operating status is "Online"
Provisioning Status is "Active"
Admin State Up is "Yes"
Click the drop-down menu, and select "Associate Floating IP"

From the dropdown box, select a public network for a floating IP pool and click associate

Click the down arrow for the load balancer and take note of the floating IP (highlighted Below) associated with it

Now you can test that the load-balancer is working as intended by visiting the Floating IP in your browser.

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Create or manage support tickets directly with Micron21
You will need to register a new account if this is the first time lodging a ticket.
If you have previous lodged a ticket either online, email or over the phone you will already have an account. Please reset your password, if you have not logged into the support portal before.
Lodge a ticket
Manage existing tickets