How to upload a cloud image to mCloud

Micron21 provides a range of popular Cloud images that can be used from your mCloud dashboard.

However, if there is an alternative Cloud Image you’d like to make available for new instances, this article details how you can upload a new Cloud Image to your mCloud Dashboard for use with new VM Images.



In this example, we’ll use Alpine Linux as our new Image, using x86_64, UEFI, cloudinit, VM, and Generic image.

  1. Log in to mCloud and navigate to Compute > Images

    1. 2a.png

  2. Click "+ Create Image"

    1. 2b.png

  3. Enter a name, format that matches the image you downloaded and any minimum requirements you wish to set. Select the image and click next.

    1. 2c.png

    2. Visibility & Protection:
      Private visibility: Limits the image to only you seeing the cloud image.
      Shared visibility: Makes the image available to all members of your project.
      Protected: Prevents deletion of the image by everyone, and has to be turned off manually before the image can be deleted.

  4. In Metadata > Avliable MetaData scroll down and click on the Down Arrow for “libvirt Driver Options for Images” to show the dropdown options.

  5. Click the “+” option for Firmware Type to add it to the ‘Existing Metadata field.

  6. Then from the drop down select the appropriate firmware type, in this case, we’ve selected the uefi type.

    1. 2d.png

    2. Note: in most cases, you will not need to add any additional Metadata options. But if required, you can add additional metadata types as explained above as necessary

  7. Click "Create Image". This will start the image upload and could take a while, depending on your upload speed and the image size.

  8. Once completed, check the new image appears in your image list

    1. 2e.png

Testing the Image:

You can test this image by deploying it, following our "How to Create a VM Instance from Image" guide. Ensure that on step 5 you select the newly uploaded image.

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