Additional contacts can be used when purchasing new domain names from Micron21. It allows you to manage alternate contacts that can be helpful for managing domain names on behalf of clients.
Log into your Domain Panel account here: https://domains.micron21.com
Navigate to the "domains" tab and click on the "Contacts" tab.
Click the "Add new contact" button.
Enter the required information in the following fields:
Contact Name, Organisation name, Phone Number, Email Address, Physical Address, City, Postcode, State, and Country.
Click the "Add contact" button to save the new user.
When you purchase a new domain name, you will now be able to select the contacts you'd like to assign using a drop-down menu, making it easier to assign different Registrant and Technical contacts where this is required.
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Create or manage support tickets directly with Micron21
You will need to register a new account if this is the first time lodging a ticket.
If you have previous lodged a ticket either online, email or over the phone you will already have an account. Please reset your password, if you have not logged into the support portal before.
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