Updating your password regularly is important for maintaining the security of your account and protecting it from unauthorised access.
Log into your Domain Panel account here: https://domains.micron21.com.
Go to the "Account" Panel.
Under the "Update Password" section enter the current password in the "current password" field and the new password into both the "Password" and "Password confirmation" fields.
Click the "Update Password" button to complete the change.
If you do not have access to your Domain Panel account, you can reset the password using the "Forgot Password?" option on the login page.
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Create or manage support tickets directly with Micron21
You will need to register a new account if this is the first time lodging a ticket.
If you have previous lodged a ticket either online, email or over the phone you will already have an account. Please reset your password, if you have not logged into the support portal before.
Lodge a ticket
Manage existing tickets